










Profile of Shigeru MUKOYAMA

     Shigeru Mukoyama is CEO and Chief Advisor, epicJAPAN Corporation. He was born in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Japan. He graduated from Tokyo University, the faculty of engineering. His career started at Abu Dhabi Oil Company, as a petroleum engineer, and then moved to Suntory Co., Ltd.(currently Suntory Holdings Co., Ltd.), where he worked in corporate strategy, marketing strategy and product development mainly in the international spirits business sector.

     After working as Chief Representative of Moscow Office of Suntory Holdings Co., he became independent and established a consulting firm, epicJAPAN Corporation, in January, 2016. The business areas that he covers are corporate strategy, brand strategy, new products development, and overseas market development.  He mainly consults small- to mid-size Japanese manufacturers, with the intention to introduce their outstanding products and technologies into the world.

     He now lives in Kamakura City, Japan.